Complaints Procedure
We have a dedicated Complaints policy and procedure. This is in place to deal with any expression of dissatisfaction from our service users, family, friends, representatives, employees and any interested third party. Every complaint made will be received in complete confidence. We will never breach our client’s confidentiality. We deal with complaints in a professional manner and in a swift and appropriate manner.

How to Complain
If you wish to express any form of dissatisfaction with the services we have provided please contact us using the following details:
1 Tayside Close, Stenson Fields, Derby, DE24 3HB
Mobile: 07891808977
Telephone: 01332498093
You can also complain in person.
How your complaint will be dealt with:
- On receiving your complaint we will ensure that it is recorded on a Complaints Investigation form within the office. This will include a detailed record of the complaint, details of the investigation, outcomes and any action taken.
- We will carry out a full investigation that may include us contacting you and any other persons involved for further information.
- Where a complaint relates to abuse, exploitation or neglect of a vulnerable adult, immediate action will be taken to safeguard the vulnerable adult and we will ensure the incident is reported to the relevant person and agency in accordance with the procedure for protecting vulnerable adults.
- We aim to keep you fully informed of the process and the details of our findings, the actions we have taken and the proposals to resolve your complaint.
- We aim to resolve all complaints to the satisfaction of the complainant in the shortest possible time.

- Where we receive a written complaint, we will endeavour to acknowledge this in writing within 7 days of receipt and a formal response given within 28 days.
- If the issues are too complex to complete the investigation within 28 days, the complainant will be informed of any delays.
- Where a verbal complaint is made directly to our care team we will endeavour to resolve it immediately.
- If a meeting is necessary the complainant will be advised that they may, if they wish, bring a friend, relative or a representative such as an advocate.
- Brook of Life Care formally reviews all complaints at least every six months as part of our quality monitoring and improvement procedures to identify the lessons learned.
If at the end of our complaints investigation you are still not satisfied with the outcomes and wish to escalate the matter further, please forward your complain to;
The Care Quality Commission, West Midlands Regional Office, 77 Paradise Circus, Queensway, Birmingham, B2 4UZ
Telephone: 01216005300
Fax: 01216005351
If the complaint is still unresolved then the next step would be to write to; The Local Government Ombudsman, PO Box 4771, Coventry, CV4 0EH